3.4 aetypes -- AppleEvent objects

Disponibilità: Macintosh.

The aetypes defines classes used to represent Apple Event data descriptors and Apple Event object specifiers.

Apple Event data is contained in descriptors, and these descriptors are typed. For many descriptors the Python representation is simply the corresponding Python type: typeText in OSA is a Python string, typeFloat is a float, etc. For OSA types that have no direct Python counterpart this module declares classes. Packing and unpacking instances of these classes is handled automatically by aepack.

An object specifier is essentially an address of an object implemented in a Apple Event server. An Apple Event specifier is used as the direct object for an Apple Event or as the argument of an optional parameter. The aetypes module contains the base classes for OSA classes and properties, which are used by the packages generated by gensuitemodule to populate the classes and properties in a given suite.

For reasons of backward compatibility, and for cases where you need to script an application for which you have not generated the stub package this module also contains object specifiers for a number of common OSA classes such as Document, Window, Character, etc.

The AEObjects module defines the following classes to represent Apple Event descriptor data:

class Unknown( type, data)
The representation of OSA descriptor data for which the aepack and aetypes modules have no support, i.e. anything that is not represented by the other classes here and that is not equivalent to a simple Python value.

class Enum( enum)
An enumeration value with the given 4-character string value.

class InsertionLoc( of, pos)
Position pos in object of.

class Boolean( bool)
A boolean.

class StyledText( style, text)
Text with style information (font, face, etc) included.

class AEText( script, style, text)
Text with script system and style information included.

class IntlText( script, language, text)
Text with script system and language information included.

class IntlWritingCode( script, language)
Script system and language information.

class QDPoint( v, h)
A quickdraw point.

class QDRectangle( v0, h0, v1, h1)
A quickdraw rectangle.

class RGBColor( r, g, b)
A color.

class Type( type)
An OSA type value with the given 4-character name.

class Keyword( name)
An OSA keyword with the given 4-character name.

class Range( start, stop)
A range.

class Ordinal( abso)
Non-numeric absolute positions, such as "firs", first, or "midd", middle.

class Logical( logc, term)
The logical expression of applying operator logc to term.

class Comparison( obj1, relo, obj2)
The comparison relo of obj1 to obj2.

The following classes are used as base classes by the generated stub packages to represent AppleScript classes and properties in Python:

class ComponentItem( which[, fr])
Abstract baseclass for an OSA class. The subclass should set the class attribute want to the 4-character OSA class code. Instances of subclasses of this class are equivalent to AppleScript Object Specifiers. Upon instantiation you should pass a selector in which, and optionally a parent object in fr.

class NProperty( fr)
Abstract basclass for an OSA property. The subclass should set the class attributes want and which to designate which property we are talking about. Instances of subclasses of this class are Object Specifiers.

class ObjectSpecifier( want, form, seld[, fr])
Base class of ComponentItem and NProperty, a general OSA Object Specifier. See the Apple Open Scripting Architecture documentation for the parameters. Note that this class is not abstract.
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